2 The Introduction Song
3 What’s in Your Basket?
4 The ABC Song①
5 Pluto’s Song
6 Mickey Magician
7 Let’s Clap for Mickey
8 The Spelling Song
9 The Thank You Song
10 Huey,Dewey,and Louie
11 Huey Takes a Red Balloon
12 Goofy Is Sleeping in a Red Bed
13 Huey Is Sitting at the Table
14 Look! where? Over There!
15 Around and Around
16 Up,Down
17 Clap Your Hands!
18 Pluto’s Birthday Song
19 Birthday,Birthday
20 What Does a Duck Say?
21 Let’s Have a Birthday Party
22 Ten Little Candles
23 Flour,Sugar,Milk,and Butter
24 Taking Turns
25 Ticktock
26 Mickey Mouse’s House
27 Knock,Knock,Knock!
28 Where Is Mickey?
29 When Pluto Is Happy
30 If You’re Happy
31 Balloons
32 How Old Are You?
33 Happy Birthday to You
34 The Wishing Song
35 Five Little Candles Burning
36 Birthday Cake Is Good
37 Birthday Gifts
38 Mickey and His Friends
40 Let’s Go on a Picnic
41 We’re Packing a Picnic Basket
42 Away From the City
43 Riding Down a Country Road
44 Green Is GO
45 I Like My Rooster
46 Lazy Gus
47 Which Way?
48 Where Is Your Right Hand?
49 We’re Going to Plant a Tree
50 The Tree in the Hole
51 Sitting in a Little Boat
52 Jump-Splash!-Into the Water
53 How Deep Is the Water?
54 Look at Me!
55 The Fish Eats the Worm
56 We’re Hiking Through the Woods
57 keep On Climbing
58 Skip Through the Field
59 If You Listen
60 Who Did It?
61 Twigs and Branches,Twigs and Logs
62 Yummy,Yummy Food
63 Fill Up the Bucket
64 Cover your Eyes
65 Scrub,Scrub,Scrub
66 Clean-Up Time
67 Hush!Hush!
68 Donald’s Dream
69 Pull,Pull,Pull the Rope
70 The Baseball Song
71 When the Sky Is Blue
72 Ooo,Ooo,Ooo
73 Eyes and Ears
74 This Was a Wonderful Picnic
76 The Circus Train
77 Look at All the People!
78 The Circus Band
79 What Should I Buy?
80 Step Right Up!
81 The Hippopotamus
82 The Dancing Bears
83 The Little Circus Bear
84 The Acrobats
85 Hey,Mr.Strongman!
86 The Lion Tamer
87 The Disappearing Cat
88 Some Clowns
89 The Juggler’s Jig
90 The Thin Man
91 The Tall Man
92 The Small Man
93 If I Were Tall
94 If I Were As Small As the Small Man
95 The Plate Spinner
96 The Elephant and the Mouse
97 The Lovely Ladies on Beautiful Horses
98 The Crazy Mixed-Up Circus
100 The Rooster’s Song
101 The Alarm Clock Song
102 Every Morning
103 When I Grow Up
104 When You Are at the Zoo
105 Which Way?
106 The Lion
107 The Tiger
108 The Different Giraffe
109 The Zebra
110 Five Funny Monkeys
111 When You’re a Baby Kangaroo
112 Good Night
113 Mickey the Zookeeper
114 Mickey’s Story
115 When You’re a Detective
116 A Very Strange Mystery
117 Who Took the Peanuts?①
118 Who Took the Peanuts?②
119 Quietly,Slowly,Carefully
120 The Octopus
121 You Took the Peanuts!
122 The Zookeeper’s Helpers
123 When the Sorcerer Wore His Magic Hat
124 Mickey’s Work Song
125 If I Had the Sorcerer’s Magic Hat
126 Now That I Have This Magic Hat
127 Mickey Told the Broom
128 Magic Is Eazy
129 The March of the Brooms
A Very Strange Mystery (黄)
Around and Around (青)
Away From the City (緑)
Balloons (青)
Birthday Cake Is Good (青)
Birthday Gifts (青)
Birthday,Birthday (青)
Clap Your Hands! (青)
Clean-Up Time (緑)
Cover your Eyes (緑)
Donald’s Dream (緑)
Every Morning (黄)
Eyes and Ears (緑)
Fill Up the Bucket (緑)
Five Funny Monkeys (黄)
Five Little Candles Burning (青)
Flour,Sugar,Milk,and Butter (青)
Good Night (黄)
Goofy Is Sleeping in a Red Bed (青)
Green Is GO (緑)
Happy Birthday to You (青)
Hey,Mr.Strongman! (黄緑)
How Deep Is the Water? (緑)
How Old Are You? (青)
Huey Is Sitting at the Table (青)
Huey Takes a Red Balloon (青)
Huey,Dewey,and Louie (青)
Hush!Hush! (緑)
I Like My Rooster (緑)
If I Had the Sorcerer’s Magic Hat (黄)
If I Were As Small As the Small Man (黄緑)
If I Were Tall (黄緑)
If You Listen (緑)
If You’re Happy (青)
Jump-Splash!-Into the Water (緑)
keep On Climbing (緑)
Knock,Knock,Knock! (青)
Lazy Gus (緑)
Let’s Clap for Mickey (青)
Let’s Go on a Picnic (緑)
Let’s Have a Birthday Party (青)
Look at All the People! (黄緑)
Look at Me! (緑)
Look Up! The Sun Is Shining (緑)
Look! where? Over There! (青)
Magic Is Eazy (黄)
Mickey and His Friends (青)
Mickey Magician (青)
Mickey Mouse’s House (青)
Mickey the Zookeeper (黄)
Mickey Told the Broom (黄)
Mickey’s Story (黄)
Mickey’s Work Song (黄)
Now That I Have This Magic Hat (黄)
Ooo,Ooo,Ooo (緑)
Pluto’s Birthday Song (青)
Pluto’s Song (青)
Pull,Pull,Pull the Rope (緑)
Quietly,Slowly,Carefully (黄)
Riding Down a Country Road (緑)
Scrub,Scrub,Scrub (緑)
Sitting in a Little Boat (緑)
Skip Through the Field (緑)
Some Clowns (黄緑)
Step Right Up! (黄緑)
Taking Turns (青)
Ten Little Candles (青)
The ABC Song① (青)
The ABC Song② (黄)
The Acrobats (黄緑)
The Alarm Clock Song (黄)
The Baseball Song (緑)
The Circus Band (黄緑)
The Circus Train (黄緑)
The Crazy Mixed-Up Circus (黄緑)
The Dancing Bears (黄緑)
The Different Giraffe (黄)
The Disappearing Cat (黄緑)
The Elephant and the Mouse (黄緑)
The Fish Eats the Worm (緑)
The Hippopotamus (黄緑)
The Introduction Song (青)
The Juggler’s Jig (黄緑)
The Lion (黄)
The Lion Tamer (黄緑)
The Little Circus Bear (黄緑)
The Lovely Ladies on Beautiful Horses (黄緑)
The March of the Brooms (黄)
The Octopus (黄)
The Painters’ Song (黄緑)
The Plate Spinner (黄緑)
The Rooster’s Song (黄)
The Small Man (黄緑)
The Spelling Song (青)
The Tall Man (黄緑)
The Thank You Song (青)
The Thin Man (黄緑)
The Tiger (黄)
The Tree in the Hole (緑)
The Wishing Song (青)
The Zebra (黄)
The Zookeeper’s Helpers (黄)
This Was a Wonderful Picnic (緑)
Ticktock (青)
Twigs and Branches,Twigs and Logs (緑)
Up,Down (青)
We’re Going to Plant a Tree (緑)
We’re Hiking Through the Woods (緑)
We’re Packing a Picnic Basket (緑)
What Does a Duck Say? (青)
What Should I Buy? (黄緑)
What’s in Your Basket? (青)
What’s Your Name? (青)
When I Grow Up (黄)
When Pluto Is Happy (青)
When the Sky Is Blue (緑)
When the Sorcerer Wore His Magic Hat (黄)
When You Are at the Zoo (黄)
When You’re a Baby Kangaroo (黄)
When You’re a Detective (黄)
Where Is Mickey? (青)
Where Is Your Right Hand? (緑)
Which Way? (黄)
Which Way? (緑)
Who Did It? (緑)
Who Took the Peanuts?① (黄)
Who Took the Peanuts?② (黄)
You Took the Peanuts! (黄)
Yummy,Yummy Food (緑)